Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Real Estate Agents: How Will You Address Prospective Clients' Concerns? 5 Steps

Knowledgable, prepared homeowners, when they decide to attempt to sell their home, interview several real estate professionals, and ask these agents many questions, in order to determine, which one to hire, who will best serve their needs! Experienced, prepared real estate agents, are prepared for these questions, queries and concerns, and, instead of fearing or dreading this development, professionally, calmly, and thoroughly address them. This article will briefly discuss a time - tested approach for doing this successfully, which has been used, in nearly every occupation. When this 5 - step system, is followed, consistently and properly, you will be comfortable, and able to answer/ address prospective clients concerns.
1. Restate the question: Never jump into answering any questions, until you are certain of what's being asked, or what the actual concern, might be! Listen carefully, and effectively, and attempt to restate the question. Pay close attention, to see if you receive acknowledgment, it is their concern, before proceeding. Failing to follow this procedure, risks opening up a Pandora's Box, because if you rush and behave defensively, or bring up something which never concerned the other individual, in the first place, how might you ever, effectively proceed, in the best direction?
2. Empathize: Realize, people do not want to feel, their concerns are strange, or you are acting in a judgmental manner! The best way, to effectively get someone else to be ready, and willing, to listen thoroughly, and pay keen attention, to what you have to say, is to clearly demonstrate, you care deeply. Therefore, listen effectively, learn and better understand what someone else is concerned about. This will permit you to proceed in the most empathetic manner!
3. Carefully answer thoroughly: Carefully, thoroughly, answer the questions, and address the concerns, not merely to your satisfaction, but to the satisfaction of your potential client. Remember, since you are the professional, with the experience and expertise, what might seem obvious to you, is often less clear to others!
4. Recreate the need/ desire/ call - to - action: If you've successfully performed the previous three steps, it's now time to recreate the need. This means, reviewing why you will best serve their needs, how time is of the essence, what your marketing system offers, how you are unique, etc. I've often noticed many adequately get to this point, but until/ unless they seamlessly, proceed to the fifth step, their results suffer!
5. Close: Ask for the listing! If this makes you uncomfortable, consider, saying, In light of what we've discussed, and how I will serve you, doesn't it make sense to sign a Listing Agreement with me? Doesn't it?
Once you've performed these 5 steps, and remembered to obey the rules of Z.T.L., or zip - the - lip, and patiently, and in a disciplined manner, waited to speak, until the potential client responded, you are on your way, to obtaining a new client. The technique works, and is basic and easy, but requires a degree of discipline!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades, and a RE Licensed Salesperson for a decade+. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for real estate:

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