After four decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting to thousands of actual, and/ or potential leaders, I have come to the conclusion, these individuals come in three basic varieties, which I describe as: 1) Price; 2) Pride; and 3) A combination. I'm sure each of us, have seen and witnessed, examples of most, if not all, of these categories, but I felt, it might be helpful, to review the differences, advantages and disadvantages, of each type. In order for you to become the best leader, you can be, wouldn't it make sense, for you, to consider which category, you fall into?
1. Price: We've all witnessed individuals who focus exclusively on the numbers, data, or what is referred, nowadays, as metrics! We must understand that everything is not always black - and - white, and sometimes, items which might appear to be, cost - effective, end up being far more costly and/ or ineffective. Myopic budgeting might be bare - bones, but may not always be the best approach! On the other hand, organizations must create well - considered, planning - oriented budgets, which anticipate needs, priorities, concerns, objectives, relevance and sustainability! Groups must address their financial, fiscal and fiduciary responsibilities, and needs, if their organization is to become sustainable and viable.
2. Pride: Many years ago, I was in a management position, in a financial services company, where I answered to two Executive Vice President's, who I referred to as Price and Pride. One of these men closely examined everything, in terms of its impact on the bottom line, while the other focused on motivational and emotional factors! Studies consistently indicate, groups with satisfied, happy, proud members, fare far better, than those with less committed individuals. However, it's probably obvious, that merely being Rah - rah, without a realistic, well - planned solutions - based approach, rarely succeed to the peak of their potential!
3. Combination: In nearly every instance, I have ever witnessed and/ or observed, the most viable scenario, is when a leader possesses a combination of both of these characteristics. He learns to clearly articulate his message in a focused, well - conceived manner. However, he also plans effectively, considering relevant factors, and prioritizing the best way, to expend his resources, in order to get the most bang - for - the - buck! Will you proceed with a head/ heart balance?
Which type of leader will you be? Are you up to the task?
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